The most recent General Assembly while it was still peaceful |
Before the General Assembly well known ECO-NUTBALL Tre Arrow was back in town and up a tall tree! When he came down he gave one of his crazy DIATRIBES about the earth and trees and dirt and WHATEVER and the local media was there listening to him! But when describing 'mother' earth Tre got kinda outta control with his language AND STARTED TALKIN LIKE HE WAS HOT FOR HIS OWN MOM! People were saying things like 'EWWWW' while he talked because IT WAS REALLY GROSS! OH WELL!
TRE ISN'T ONE OF THE ELITE MANAGER GROUP AT OCCUPY PORTLAND YET but I think if he wanted to he could TAKE OVER THE MOVEMENT! RIGHT ON TRE! Like some stoner said, it was his night to shine!
Later it was time for GENERAL ASSEMBLY! So the big topic was a name change for occupy portland - CHANGE THE NAME TO DECOLONIZE PORTLAND!
Shortay Primo |
Anyway, he gave a long and pretty boring speech about alot of boring crap but his point was to change the name of OCCUPY PORTLAND TO DECOLONIZE PORTLAND. His major reason is that LIKE WHITE PEOPLE HAVE DONE ALL SORTS OF NASTY CRAP FOREVER and as a result PORTLAND IS A COLONY! People were looking around kinda dazed because NOBODY KNEW WE LIVED IN A COLONY! And there were lots of questions like is Beaverton a colony of its own or part of the Portland Colony? Some really stoned chick asked if we were like a nudist colony or something like that. People seemed really confused!
Shortay tried to answer the questions but you know him, he is really hard to understand sometimes! PLUS HALF THE TIME HE HAD A BANDANA OVER HIS MOUTH LOOKIN REAL REVOLUTIONARY which made it even harder to understand him. BUT YOU GOT TO LOVE THAT LOOK HE PUTS ON! ITS LIKE AN ITTY BITTY CHE OR SOMETHING!
So some dude pointed out that there already was a decolonize portland organization and MAYBE THEY SHOULD HAVE THEIR GROUP AND WE HAVE OUR GROUP AND ALL THAT! SO AT THAT POINT PEOPLE WERE REAL NOT INTO CHANGING OUR NAME! Then Dinky Wang spoke up and as usual SAID WAY TOO MUCH AND DREW ALOT OF ATTENTION TO HIMSELF! So after that alot of people changed their minds and WANTED TO CHANGE OUR NAME TO DECOLONIZE PORTLAND! Wow when a crowd is really stoned out THEY CAN CHANGE THEIR MINDS ALOT! Then, it was time to vote on the name change!
Just when the voting started A FIGHT BROKE OUT! I think everybody knows WADE VARNER cause he's pretty fat and edgy and stuff. He really became famous back at the camp when he exposed himself during a FAMILY FRIENDLY EVENT! THE VIDEO OF THAT IS BELOW!
WOW when Wade MOONS people it is alot more than a MOON! His BUNS are so HUGE and Bloated that it is more like a WHOLE DANGE SOLAR SYSTEM! ANYWAYS THAT CRAZY TUB OF LARD took a poke at somebody or something like that and all of a sudden people were running all over and stuff and it got really crazy! IT WASN'T EXACTLY ALL ABOUT PEACE AND LOVE!
People during the big fight! Lots of people got called biznatch and stuff |
The fight didn't last real long but after it was over a bunch of people left including fatso. The OCCUPY PORTLAND ELITE MANAGER on the scene reminded us all that we were NONVIOLENT! So people were feeling really silly and some dude laughed so hard that he wet his pants. So, then we finished voting and GUESS WHAT WE DIDN'T CHANGE OUR NAME! YAY FOR US! But anyways its all good! AND SOMEBODY SAID THAT SHORTAY WAS JUST TRYING TO TAKE OVER OCCUPY PORTLAND OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT! OH WELL! We love the little midget man so much that we forgave him INSTANTLY!
But wouldn't it be real funny to change our name! Like, maybe there really is a secret colony around here or something! IF THAT IS THE CASE I THINK MAYBE WE BETTER FIND OUT FOR SURE! I know that some of the states used to be colonies or something like that so OH OH time to find out for real what is going on!