Occupy Portland March Yesterday Who tipped off the MAN? |
Anyways so there we were marching up and marching down AND AROUND AND AROUND and gettin kinda dizzy! BUT EVERYTIME WE GOT CLOSE TO A FREEWAY ENTRANCE THE MAN BLOCKED US! Dinky got so upset that he walked up to some dude that was marching and ACCUSED HIM OF BEING A POLICE SPY! HA HA HA what Dinky didn't know was that WE WERE ON FREAKIN LIVESTREAM and not only were all our moves on the web LIVE but also the dude doing livestream TOLD EVERYBODY WATCHING THAT WE WERE HEADED FOR THE FREEWAY!
Dinky Wang |
So we headed back FINALLY DUH and ended up at DIRECTOR'S PARK downtown and had a HUGE LOUD RALLY! AWESOME!
Then Dinky started jumpin up and down and wavin his arms and screeching in that CRAZY OCCUPY PORTLAND VOICE of his and everybody started clapping their hands as he TOOK TOTAL CREDIT FOR THE MARCH! DUDE IS SUCH A SUPERSTAR! And afterwards we were all agreeing that it was SO COOL THAT WE DIDN'T GET ON THE FREEWAY CAUSE ITS FREAKIN DANGEROUS!
Is this the SPY? |
The march was still A HUGE AWESOME SUCCESS BECAUSE everytime we get out and march around we create awareness of what A CRAZY BUNCH OF PEOPLE WE ARE! Plus it was not raining and so nobody got wet!