Friday, January 13, 2012

Occupy Portland Continues To Get Nothing Done

One of our working groups having a cool discussion!
WHOA 2012 IS GOING GREAT! Almost two weeks into the new year and we have accomplished zero! If you consider all the time Occupy Portland has existed, our record is clean: NOT A DARN THING ACCOMPLISHED!

Of course we have had alot of discussions and meetings, alot of good times where stoners get together and talk like EXPERTS ON EVERYTHING! We did have our camp, we have had our parties, and all our fun times! BUT TO ALL OF YOU MORONS waiting for us to actually get something done, so sorry! GETTING THINGS DONE WAS NEVER OUR PLAN!

When we started our crazy group our only plan was to have a social organization, like a real-in-the-flesh FACEBOOK KINDA THING FOR LOSERS! Ok, we are a little sorry if you expected action! OH WELL!

Occupy Portland White Folks discuss creative ways to
insult minority populations.
Here is an example of what is to come: pretty soon it will be MLK DAY! I guess you might have heard that we aren't exactly an AFRICAN AMERICAN FRIENDLY GROUP! I mean, it is pretty much expected that when we get down to it A WHOLE BUNCH OF N BOMBS ARE GONNA GET DROPPED! Oh, well, what do you expect from a group that is 99 per cent white? WE ARE THE 99 PER CENT WHITE OCCUPY! So for MLK DAY while many people in Portland will be doing good works in memory of DR KING guess what occupy portland will be doing? WE ARE GONNA HAVE A PARTY WITH LIVE MUSIC! And, I don't mean any of that lame, traditional AFRICAN AMERICAN MUSIC! It will be that crazy GOODTIME STONER MUSIC! RIGHT ON!

Later in the month, we will further insult Portland's minority population by doing a number on CHINESE NEW YEAR! HAHAHAHAHA

But, most important it is our plan to get nothing done. Zip! Zero! Nadda! We will continue to march for causes we can't really support, call for changes that won't ever happen, give false hope to really desperate people by inviting them to meet with one of our groups, etc. etc. etc.!

I know that last year, when we had our REALLY COOL AND GROOVY CAMP we did feed hungry people. OK, THAT WAS THEN! Don't look for anything that positive from us anytime soon. BUT and this is a really big BUT we will continue to appeal to the suckers of portland for MONEY! CAUSE IF WE DON'T GET MONEY WE CAN'T PARTY!

SO, if you got money GIVE IT TO US!