Tuesday, December 27, 2011

BIG Occupy Portland Meeting Tonight For Planning

WOO HOO! The meeting began Troy (right) picking his nose
Tonight's OCCUPY PORTLAND SPECIAL DELUXE PLANNING MEETING was held at our SWEET NEW PLAYHOUSE in southeast Portland. People gathered together in our sacred space to talk about plans for 2012. We were going to make it a SACRED FEATHER meeting but GUESS WHAT NOBODY COULD FIND THE SACRED FEATHER! BOGUS. So, we just talked and kinda interrupted each other alot BUT OH WELL IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL!

First on the agenda was a proposal for better peace and safety at meetings and actions in 2012. It was decided that we will REALLY FOR REAL utilize our SHANTI SETA concept to the max everytime we get together. So, like if there is a meeting and SOMEBODY LOSES CONTROL AND STARTS DROPPING F-BOMBS from now on a Shanti Seta dude will SURROUND THE PERSON WITH THE SACRED LOVE THING to calm them down! IF THAT DOESN'T WORK the guy on the right suggested that a bunch of us should surround the F-BOMB DROPPER and chant things like 'I know you are but what am I' and 'take a chill pill!'. WOW! THAT WILL WORK I AM SURE! And if someone is not truthful we will chant 'liar liar pants on fire'! If the methods don't work then we will JUST CALL THEIR PARENTS AND TELL THEM TO PICK THEM UP AND TAKE THEM HOME TO THEIR BASEMENT APARTMENT!

Next planning topic was offered by Antonio, pictured on the left. HIS BRILLIANT IDEA IS A HUGE CONVENTION WITH REPRESENTATIVES FROM ALL THE OCCUPIES IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM! He has contacts with both Venus and Neptune, and says that the OCCUPIES THERE ARE AWESOME! Some chick said she was in touch with LIFEFORMS FROM MERCURY AND THEY ARE SO SPIRITUAL! They might come too! Then, another chick said that we should reach out beyond our own solar system, WAY OUT INTO SPACE THE FINAL FRONTIER JUST LIKE IN STAR TREK! She shared that she has voices from THE SACRED INTERSTELLAR PLANE going off in her head almost 24x7 and she could get HUGE SPACESHIPS OF NEW OCCUPIERS FROM ALL OVER TO COME IF WE HAVE A CONFERENCE! AWESOME!

Some dude pictured on the right brought up the same, lame topic he always brings up, OCCUPY PORTLAND STARTING A NON PROFIT IN 2012. As usual we pretended to listen to him! He had heard that there was some group already working on the concept but NOBODY WILL INVITE HIM TO THE MEETINGS! ha ha ha Nobody wants him at those meetings! I MEAN we can't be a non profit, but we keep letting him think we want to be one! ha ha ha ANYWAY we played him as usual and promised to get back to him soon with THE NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION PLANS! After he left we all had yet another laugh at his ideas! ha ha ha I MEAN FORMING A NON PROFIT WOULD MEAN HAVING A CORPORATION! Guess what? WE HATE FREAKIN CORPORATIONS! Also, that would mean a board of directors and all that crap and people PUTTING THEIR REAL NAMES IN A NON PROFIT FILING! MAN, I DON'T THINK SO! But it is fun to play him because HE IS JUST MR. SERIOUS!

There is another MR SERIOUS that comes to meetings and DANG HE SHOWED UP TONIGHT! That is his picture on the left. HE GAVE EVERYBODY HIS TAKE ON THINGS yawn yawn AND I can't remember anything he said BECAUSE HE IS SO BORING! I think it was something like there is a growing something maybe about people either supporting us or not supporting us OR WHATEVER! LIKE HE ALWAYS FEELS SOME SPECIAL VIBE AND HAS TO TELL US ALL ABOUT IT IN LONG BORING SENTENCES! Anyway, after he was done IT WAS BREAK TIME 420 TIME OUTSIDE!

WHEN WE GOT BACK A LADY WITH BIG BUNS SAID WE NEEDED TO PLAN TO MAKE OCCUPY PORTLAND MORE DIVERSE cause sometimes like tonight we are SO WHITE YOU COULD MISTAKE US FOR A kkk meeting! Her idea is for us to go door to door and if somebody ANSWERS THE DOOR AND THEY AREN'T WHITE we sign them up! AWESOME! Then when we got them all signed up we would offer them a ride to our next meeting! Then somebody said that there isn't actually a form or anything like that for people to sign! THEN THE LADY got kinda angry and said 'everytime I have an idea in a meeting people just nit pick!' then she was even madder and said 'YOU PEOPLE NEVER TAKE CARE OF MY NEEDS AS A PERSON!'. Then she left like really fast!

After the lady with big buns left there was one final proposal offered. Some dude pictured on the left said that when we have our BIG FREAKIN ACTIONS AND PROTESTS we should all wear ELABORATE CHICKEN COSTUMES LIKE SOME COLLEGE MIGHT USE FOR A MASCOT. He said that if we did that THE 99 PERCENT WOULD FLOCK TO US cause they all LOVE CHICKENS! Then the chick that KNOWS THE LIFEFORMS FROM MERCURY spoke up and told us that ON MERCURY THEY WORSHIP CHICKENS LIKE GODS! AWESOME! So we decided that we would get the chicken costumes now but only use them when we have our HUGE MEETING WITH BEINGS FROM OUTER SPACE. It was kinda a compromise that way BECAUSE WE WANT EVERYBODY TO BE HAPPY! Antonio was SUPER HAPPY WITH THE COMPROMISE and that was good cause he is so edgy that everybody is scared by him when HE IS UNHAPPY!