It all started with a rally at Directors Square in downtown Portland. Picture below, you can see one of the REALLY CREATIVE IDEAS IN PLAY TONIGHT! One of the protest signs is held UPSIDE DOWN! That really fooled the ONE PERCENT THEY ARE SUCH TARDOS!
Before we could get the march started MR. DINKY WANG talked and talked and talked! Some dude walked up to him and told him maybe we should get our march on, but THE DINKMEISTER had more to talk about! PREACH ON SHORT GUY! He skillfully told a few fibs and some little white lies THEN SOME BIG WHOPPERS and pretty soon EVERYBODY WAS READY TO MARCH!
BUT OH OH! THE MAN WAS THERE! Bike cops were all around us! But, DINKY MAN HAD A PLAN! When Dinky gets to planning THE MAN BETTER LOOK OUT! First, he led us INTO PIONEER PLACE MALL! Dinky Wang knew that PIONEER PLACE MALL WAS FULL OF FAT CATS, THE ONE PERCENT, AND REALLY WELL PAID RETAIL CLERKS! They were disguised as christmas shoppers trying to lay low and play it cool BUT WE KNEW BETTER!
Checkout the picture above! It is really clear that the one percent was trying to look like holiday shoppers but WE WERE NOT FOOLED BECAUSE WE ARE REALLY SMART so we hung out and made a lot of noise and were really disruptive! It will some time before the one percent thinks about shopping downtown again this time of the year!
But our own personal Dinky Wang wasn't through yet! The cops just kept following us and trying to cause problems like they always do with their persecution and bad vibes! Dinky decided that we would show them by WALKING IN THE STREET! His brilliant plan was put into play! TAKE THAT COPS YOU PAWNS OF THE ONE PER CENT! So then some dude got arrested and it got really tense and it was almost a buzz kill BUT THEN DINKY POPPED UP LIKE AN ENGOURGED VIENNA SAUSAGE and we ALL FELT BETTER! He poked us good, and off we went again!
By now it was getting pretty cold and we knew that our little Wang was getting a chill. So, we marched around a little bit more and chanted some crap and some people fired up their bowls then we tried to remember why we were marching but nobody could recall the purpose. Somehow we were soon at City Hall and Mr. Dinky Wang thanked everybody personally FOR COMING TO HIS OWN PERSONAL MARCH! IT WAS SO EMOTIONAL THAT EVERYBODY WANTED TO GRAB THAT DINKY WANG AND MASSAGE IT. Some dude pointed out that for weeks he had thought MR. DINKY WANG was really a chick! (With his shrill voice and teen-girl ponytail, some people still think he is a chick!) BUT WHO CARES! IT'S ALL GOOD! TONIGHT WE CAN SAY THAT OCCUPY PORTLAND IS SO PROUD TO HAVE OUR DINKY WANG EXPOSED FOR ALL TO ADMIRE!