We are taking it to the people that work at the Port of Portland! Our strategy, having a fat girl talk on a bullhorn, is working! Down with people earning a paycheck! Down with unions! We are unemployed so why should anyone else have a job! Today we stand in solidarity with all those that are obese and can stand upright! In a sad note, some of our brothers were arrested on the way to Occupy The Port because they either had stolen vehicles or were carrying weapons. We are sure that the charges are bogus, probably made up by the 1%. We are a peaceful, intoxicated movement that would never even need a weapon or a stolen vehicle! Don't believe the main stream media, the police, mean people or anyone that tells you something that makes you feel bad, ever! It is all part of the big, mean-spirited conspiracy to hurt our feelings!

Think of all we have accomplished today: working class people at the Port of Portland have lost a full day of wages, close to Christmas! Don't you know they were going to spend that money on unecessary things like food for their families, rent, car payments, maybe even bowling! That is right, we have 'defunded' their bowling! And, many of those people we are hurting are really dumb to show up for work, anyway I AM SO SURE!
What about the unions? HA HA HA sorry suckers! We tricked you! You thought we were your friends but we were just playing you and now HA HA HA you can just TALK TO OUR HANDS! Why don't you union workers just move somewhere else like into the HUGE HOUSES that your one percent fat cat masters live in BECAUSE WE OWN YOU! HA HA HA.