Tonight's OCCUPY PORTLAND GENERAL ASSEMBLY was really lame! You might be able to call the turnout a handful, but that would be a mighty small hand you would be talking about! I was talking to the dude to the right, JUST after he finished beating on this drum, and he was all over the issue saying "Man people are just doing other things like whatever, DON'T JUDGE PEOPLE MAN!"
So, maybe it is just that simple, people are doing other things. THAT IS SO BEAUTIFUL!
This comes one night after the SPECIAL COMMITTEE FOR MAKING RULES ABOUT EVERYTHING FOR OCCUPIED PORTLAND really moved into 'high' gear, cast their spliffs to the wind so to speak (wink wink) and introduced a new meeting structure that is so complex that NOBODY INCLUDING THE ELITE LEADERSHIP OF OCCUPY PORTLAND knows what exactly the new structure means! With the new rules, and the continuing negative fallout over the OCCUPY PORTLAND SHUT DOWN THE PORT THINGY it is pretty easy to figure out where the USUAL OCCUPY SUSPECTS were tonight: ANYWHERE BUT AT THE OCCUPY PORTLAND GENERAL ASSEMBLY. But that is beautiful too, because MAN THAT IS JUST ALL ABOUT PEOPLE UNITED TO STAY AWAY FROM OCCUPY PORTLAND!
Five or six people DID SHOW UP for General Assembly tonight including the lady to the left, who was so BEAUTIFUL WHEN SHE explained what was going on with the people and the movement and some other really important stuff. I can't remember exactly what she said but it was either about evolving or devolving or revolving or whatever. LATELY A LOT OF WORDS THAT RHYME have been used and MAN IT IS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL POETIC TRIP! Somebody did the math after the General Assembly and he discovered that at the current rate of people not showing up in a week there will be NEGATIVE 3 PEOPLE PRESENT and I don't mean 3 negative people LOL I mean there will be like a negative aura in a sacred space that is empty times 3. THAT IS SO BEAUTIFUL like when I was talking to one of the OCCUPY PORTLAND CHAPLINS last week and he was so trippy! He pulled three sage seasoned chicken bones from his pocket and threw them to the ground! Makes you wonder!
I think tomorrow will be better! One of the Occupy Portland Leadership team tweeted something about tomorrow being better to some dude that was almost passed out after the meeting. The Leadership guy had to tweet because he missed the meeting, too. The guy to the right was the last one to leave. Maybe he hasn't left yet! He looked pretty baked and wasn't moving when I left. So, COOL! THE PEOPLE UNITED CAN NEVER BE DIVIDED but sometimes they can be distracted and not attend meetings! I know this is just a minor hiccup in the OCCUPY PORTLAND MOVEMENT because WE ARE HERE TO SAVE THE 99 PER CENT like mystic warriors with the skills of James Bond and the moves of A VERY YOUNG TRENT REZNOR!