Congratulations to the latest winner of Occupy Portland's most coveted award, USEFUL IDIOT! And, for this time around the race wasn't even close! Hyung Nam, teacher at Portland's Wilson High School is our own special useful idiot winner! You might remember our recent foray into public education, when we showed up without proper permission at Astor School. Ok, we were asked to leave BOGUS! BUT it wasn't our fault! Remember one of our better motto's, "NEVER EXPLAIN BUT ALWAYS COMPLAIN!" You can read the story here
But being at the school was a trip! FOR SOME OF US IT TOOK US BACK TO OUR SCHOOL DAYS except this time the jocks didn't give any of us a swirly! AWESOME!
Apparently Hyung Nam heard about how there was all this CRAPOLA about people needing to be cleared before they can be allowed to speak to student groups, so he has started a petition that really takes it to the man. The essence of the petition is that any teacher can invite any bozo to come talk to students! RIGHT FREAKIN ON! He must have been in a hurry to write the thing because there are typos and stuff in it. OH WELL WHO CARES! HE IS ONLY A TEACHER CUT HIM SOME SLACK! AND he includes all sorts of right on revolutionary talk! HE IS NOT JUST AN IDIOT, HE IS OUR SPECIAL USEFUL IDIOT! He even compares the occupy portland speakers to Martin Luther King! RIGHT ON RIGHT ON!
If you look up Hyung Nam online, and check out his ratings from his students, here is what you see on a zero to five scale
Overall Easiness: 2.6 - Overall Helpfulness: 2.4 - Overall Clarity: 2.6
Overall Popularity: 0
Awesome! I mean, if the best possibe score is five and the worst possible is zero, he only bottoms out on OVERALL POPULARITY WITH 0! And if the best possible score is 5, well 2.6 is better than half of five! That is a score well over 50%! I know that a 50% would earn a F grade in most places, but to us that IS AWESOME!
The Kids has some great observationas about him, too!
Our source is
"Too biased, didn't actually teach the material meant for the class. Disagrees with students with different opinions:
"I don't understand why he hates America"
"Only teaches the class about the bad things that happened. Didn't go over the civil war because there was nothing controversial about it. Switch out NOW!"
"Grades based on opinion, so just agree with him on everything and you will pass his class"
HYUNG NAM WE SALUTE YOU! Professionals like you are just what Occupy Portland needs! You clearly aren't a very good teacher, and it is also very clear that you aren't very well liked! In other words, you are just what we need to sustain Occupy Portland, and right now YOU ARE OUR USEFUL IDIOT!