Pictured here, the three doctors are reaching out to the fairly small crowd and ...Well, they intended to discuss the reasons for the December 12 Port Shutdown, but couldn't come up with any! But that is ok! The little guy on the left kept asking for the location of the nearest bathroom and the woman on the right was hoping Sam would make a play for her.
The chick from Rumorz left early because she was more bored than usual and when the free coffee was gone the spokes council ended early. The LIVESTREAM show of the spokes got off to a late start because nobody bothered to tell Sam the location! Hmmm...maybe they didn't want him there! He has been looking very grumpy lately.
Pictured to the left Grumpy Sam and Crazy Nut Metal got into a really rough game of Albanian Thumb Wrestling. It all started when Metal claimed that Cigarette prices had reached $3.00 per cigarette thanks to a federal plot to lock everyone up somewhere in Montana (his logic is always a little flawed) and Sam demanded proof. Since no 'trial by fire' was permissable the 'rasslin commenced, with the winner's opinion on the correct price of one cigarette to prevail. The match was declared a draw when Metal accidently bit off Sam's thumb and swallowed it. Yeah, LIKE ACCIDENTLY ON PURPOSE!
Everything turned out ok, though. Metal herked up the thumb and the doctors managed to sew it back on. Lucky to have some doctors in the 99 per cent! Even luckier, that chick doctor that digs sam was able to get his digits in more ways than one!