Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Memo From Occupy Portland Elite Manager Group

People, we have a problem! HELLO! Not only are we seeing negative fallout from Occupy The Port Thing but Occupy Portland is having some Occupants getting a little too close to the truth.

For starters, what genius let Kari Koch talk with Neil Cavuto??? Check this out click on http://townhall.com/tipsheet/danieldoherty/2011/12/13/neil_cavuto_blasts_occupy_portland_protestor
I mean, give me a freakin break! Neil gives Kari's over-sized HEINIE A WHUPPIN! For the love of the movement somebody put ms. BBW on a short leash!

And about Occupy The Port, or Shut Down The Port, or what ever 'clever' marketing term we are using for it now did anyone bother to notice that we ACTUALLY DELAYED FOOD SHIPMENTS TO NEEDY, HUNGRY PEOPLE??? click on http://www.katu.com/news/local/Volunteers-work-to-feed-the-hungry-despite-delay-from-Occupy-protest--135561003.html

Then there is a little matter of tonight's OCCUPY PORTLAND SPOKES COUNCIL MEETING. At the top of this memo is our old friend 'Metal' or as we like to call him MENTAL. Did anyone catch his act tonight at Spokes? He got going about how an ELITE CONTROLS OCCUPY PORTLAND and how far we are from our stated values...OK, WHO TOLD HIM THAT? If people start that sort of truthful talk in public, if the morons and idiots we rely on FIND OUT WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON WE ARE SUNK! Look, boys and girls WE ARE THE ELITE, WE DO CONTROL OCCUPY PORTLAND, AND WE BETTER GET THINGS A LITTLE BETTER CONTROLLED!

It has been evident from day one that people like Metal, street people, the homeless, the tribes, that whole group of IDIOTS were a MIXED BLESSING. Sure, if we can control them, make unrealistic promises to them, lead them on, all the stuff that we have been doing THEN they are useful to us. BUT IF THAT GROUP OF LOSERS STARTS WHINING IN PUBLIC ABOUT HOW THE MOVEMENT IS CONTROLLED BY AN ELITE BUNCH OF MANIPULATORS we got a problem, HOUSTON!

What happened to the idea of keeping them paranoid, telling them WE ARE THEIR REAL FAMILY, making it sound like they are important to us? IN OTHER WORDS, WHAT HAPPENED TO JUST USING CONVENIENT LIES WITH THEM? What ELITE GENIUS lost control of our BOZO BRIGADE? Let's just hope those DANGEROUS DINGBATS THE TRIBES don't find out the truth. That bunch is scary!

We got lucky tonight, The facilitator ignored him at first, then put him down. Then, pictured to the right, some dude came in and forced him off stage. Thankfully, we were able to put him down and bully him THIS TIME. So, what about next time? This is serious, and we need to have a plan before we have a whole meeting full of Metal's telling the truth about occupy portland! Suggestions are not only welcome but needed, and needed now. We need to keep using our little army of idiots, but they need to be nice obedient idiots THAT DON'T GO TELLING THE TRUTH IN PUBLIC ON LIVESTREAM! It was a nice touch how our crowd controllers got people laughing at Metal, by the way. KUDOS TO THOSE THAT MADE METAL LOOK EVEN MORE MENTAL BY GETTING THE CROWD TO LAUGH AT HIM! At least we have that.

I know some will probably suggest that it is time to cut the ties to all of our NUTJOB IDIOTS but for now look deep in your hearts before you suggest such a thing. Remember, the morons ARE BRINGING US IN SUPPORT AND MONEY when we use them correctly. Portlander's are really guilt stricken by having such a large homeless population. IF WE CAN CONTINUE TO APPEAR LIKE WE GIVE A RAT'S ARSE about the homeless then will continue to have a very strong weapon to HAMMER THE METRO POPULATION WITH. So, before we dump the dummies consider all the consequences, please!

Stay strong, ELITE BROTHERS AND SISTERS! And PLEASE keep all this within our ELITE MANAGER GROUP.