Thursday, December 15, 2011

Occupy Portland Salutes Those Arrested

Here is a Christmas list for you! What would our movement be without all the MORONS THAT HAVE MANAGED TO GET ARRESTED! SO, HERE IS YOUR LIST! Get them something!

Tonight one of them was down at city hall SCREAMING ABOUT ALL THAT SHE HAS DONE FOR OCCUPY PORTLAND including her arrest! Honey, we haven't forgotten you!

18-year-old, Zach Acrid: Disorderly Conduct/Criminal Trespass II
20-year-old, Christian Alexander: Interfering with a Police Officer/Criminal
Trespass II
19-year-old, Zachary Blackburn: Criminal Trespass II/Interfering with a
Police Officer/Disorderly Conduct
19-year-old, Forest Brannon: Interfering with a Police Officer/Criminal
Trespass II
32-year-old, Brenaan Campbell: Interfering with a Police Officer/Criminal
Trespass II
20-year-old, Micaiah Chanley: Interfering with a Police Officer/Criminal
Trespass II
19-year-old, Jose Cisneros: Criminal Trespass II
35-year-old, Kathryn Curnett: Disorderly Conduct
26-year-old, Emma Day: Interfering with a Police Officer/Criminal Trespass
18-year-old, Maggie Debusk: Interfering with a Police Officer/Disorderly
21-year-old, Jordon Denning: Interfering with a Police Officer/Disorderly
Conduct/Criminal Trespass II
23-year-old, Amy Elchorn: Interfering with a Police Officer/Disorderly
63-year-old, Wayne Elliott: Interfering with a Police Officer/Disorderly
21-year-old, Sky Gaut-Mendell: Criminal Trespass II/Disorderly Conduct
25-year-old, Samuel Gustafson: Interfering with a Police Officer/Criminal
Trespass II/Disorderly Conduct
46-year-old, Angela Hammit: Interfering with a Police Officer/Criminal
Trespass II
29-year-old, Mario Haro: Interfering with a Police Officer/Criminal Trespass
II/Disorderly Conduct
22-year-old, Steven Herrera: Interfering with a Police Officer
18-year-old, Amelia Hudson: Interfering with a Police Officer/Criminal
Trespass II/Disorderly Conduct
25-year-old, Evan Johnson: Criminal Trespass II/Interfering with a Police
Officer/Disorderly Conduct
24-year-old, Xavier Kynaston: Interfering with a Police Officer/Criminal
Trespass II/Disorderly Conduct
20-year-old, Chase Martin: Interfering with a Police Officer
62-year-old, Steven Meegan: Interfering with a Police Officer/Criminal
Trespass II
41-year-old, Jacquelyn Miller: Interfering with a Police Officer/Criminal
Trespass II/FOLO
29-year-old, Jonah Millett: Interfering with a Police Officer/Disorderly
81-year-old, Jack Mongeon: Disorderly Conduct
18-year-old, Ryan Morehead: Interfering with a Police Officer/Criminal
Trespass II/Disorderly Conduct
39-year-old, Samuel Naval: Interfering with a Police Officer
22-year-old, Megan Nesbit: Interfering with a Police Officer/Criminal
Trespass II
24-year-old, Darryl Neufeld: Interfering with a Police Officer/Disorderly
23-year-old, Shawn Nichols: Interfering with a Police Officer/Disorderly
20-year-old, Jessica Noland: Interfering with a Police Officer/Criminal
Trespass II/Disorderly Conduct
23-year-old, Michael Olsen: Interfering with a Police Officer
19-year-old, Jessica Peterson: Interfering with a Police Officer/Criminal
Trespass II
32-year-old, John Saunders: Interfering with a Police Officer/Disorderly
Conduct/Criminal Trespass II
26-year-old, Katherine Sherman: Interfering with a Police Officer/Disorderly
42-year-old, Jeffrey Stone: Interfering with a Police Officer/Criminal
Trespass II/Disorderly Conduct
30-year-old, Blair Stuwe: Interfering with a Police Officer
43-year-old, James Tardy: Disorderly Conduct/Interfering with a Police
22-year-old, David Thomas: Interfering with a Police Officer/Criminal
Trespass II/Disorderly Conduct
40-year-old, Troy Thompson: Disorderly Conduct
20-year-old, Bryan Vachter: Interfering with a Police Officer/Criminal
Trespass II
19-year-old, Haley Vhalde: Criminal Trespass II/Interfering with a Police
20-year-old, Cameron Whitten: Interfering with a Police Officer/Disorderly
22-year-old, Benjamin Wilkinson,: Criminal Trespass II
26-year-old, Yehonathan Wilson: Interfering with a Police Officer
35-year-old, Craig Yates: Interfering with a Police Officer