Monday, December 19, 2011

Occupy Portland Meeting Uses New Format

Tonight's meeting had a gassy moment when Delmar (Fatso) Fattola, pictured above in multicolored shirt
released several cubic meters of methane during a 30 second period

We were at our new location tonight! More in the next post on how we PUNKED THE CATHOLIC CHURCH and got our own PLAYHOUSE SPACE at St. Francis Church in SE PDX! As noted above, one of the MAGIC MOMENTS was when FATSO cut some epic cheese! So MASSIVE WAS HIS RELEASE THAT PEOPLE TO HIS REAR were frozen in some freaky state of suspended animation for at least TEN MINUTES AFTERWARD, as pictured to the left. A MILD DOSE OF PEPPER SPRAY was eventually used to bring them back to their senses.

During the meeting some lady in a really WHACK UGLY HAT kept making really INANE PROPOSALS!. At one point somebody yelled out at her UP YOURS then a little later everybody pretty much acted like she was A MASSIVE NINNY! She got up and left then some chick said it was bogus that her personal needs weren't met! WHATEVER!

Antonio (pictured left), from the tribes, who IS ALWAYS REALLY EDGY AND SCARES THE LIVING SNOT out of some people had some BIZARRO proposal about how we should call out in solidarity to the army from NEPTUNE WAY OUT THERE IN SPACE so that they could come here and settle the score with the feds, or something like that. EVERBODY WAS AS USUAL PRETENDING TO LISTEN TO HIM because they were afraid he would go all braveheart and PUNCH OUT PEOPLE. Just for safety his idea was taken under consideration but after he left nobody could figure out how we are going to contact anybody on Neptune! I MEAN DUDE IT IS A FAR OFF PLANET!

Then some dude suggested that the facilitator, pictured right, was losing his spunk or something freaky like that and should either step down or go outside and smoke a bowl. Or maybe let somebody else take over. But the facilitator kept talking anyway and kept control of the meeting, kinda. Earlier TROY THOMPSON DROPPED A WHOLE LOTTA F-BOMBS and it had been out of control from that point on. People butted in a alot and at one point everyone got really sullen like the whole meeting was pointless. THEN AS A GROUP WE PRESSED ON LIKE SUPERSTAR NINJAS. OMG I FORGOT TO SAY WHAT THE MEETING WAS ABOUT! So, the elite manager group had told us to have new style meetings so that we could get more PEOPLE INVOLVED IN THE MOVEMENT! But, they didn't tell us what to do at the meetings. OH OH! They forgot that. So, we just went for it and did out thing. MAYBE THAT IS WHY THERE WERE SO MANY F-BOMBS.

Antonio was one of those that left early, right after FATSO RELEASED another SILENT FOG! Dude, please stop eating raw broccoli during meetings! Some dude sitting next to him complained that after the last one was in the air he felt like a sticky coating was on his skin! When the meeting was over we were so relieved that we applauded and made whooping noises. Then everyone ran outside for air.